15 Questions to Ask Before Hiring A Property Manager


Property management is an extremely fast -paced and complicated business, so it’s crucial to find the right property manager for you and your property. Some qualities to look for in a potential property manager could be: A positive attitude Excellent communication Detail oriented Organized Honest Passionate about what they do There is more to being

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Your Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist


There are only a few things spring offers that are more satisfying than the annual deep clean. However, for many this satisfaction only comes after all of the work is finished. This task will never be effortless, but there are ways that it can be more manageable and even enjoyable! Create a realistic schedule and

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Healthy Homes – changes to ventilation standards


he ventilation standard now allows properties with certain continuous mechanical ventilation in kitchens and bathrooms to meet the ventilation standard. If your home was built with a continuous mechanical ventilation system, to meet the standard it must: be designed to vent extracted air continuously from residential property to the outdoors, and for a kitchen or

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Updates to Healthy Homes


The Healthy Homes Standards have been updated with improvements to the heating, ventilation, and moisture ingress and drainage standards. One improvement is a new formula for the heating standard, that applies for modern dwellings built after 2008 and certain apartments. The formula change recognises that these types of properties are better at retaining heat. The heating

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Damage caused by weather


Wild weather can cause damage at your rental property. Find out what to do if your rental needs repairs after extreme weather or a natural disaster. Landlords are responsible for maintaining the property in a reasonable condition. This includes fixing any damage caused by severe weather or a natural disaster. Find out what to do

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Considered including Sections Maintained in your Tenancy Agreement?


A question many owners find themselves struggling to answer…. If you’re a tenant, you’re responsible for keeping the property reasonably clean and tidy. This includes mowing the lawns and weeding the gardens. There are many tenants that do a great job of maintaining their sections. However most struggle to keep them at an acceptable standard.

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Privacy Act 2020


The Privacy Act 2020 governs how agencies collect, store, use, disclose, and give access to personal information. As a landlord or property manager, you need to comply with the Privacy Act. Personal information covered by the Privacy Act is any information that tells you something about a specific individual. Landlords can only collect personal information

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Wear and tear vs Intentional damage


Fair wear and tear refers to the gradual deterioration of things that are used regularly in a property when people live in it. A tenant is not responsible for normal fair wear and tear to the property or any chattels provided by the landlord when they use them normally. The tenant is responsible for any

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