There are only a few things spring offers that are more satisfying than the annual deep clean. However, for many this satisfaction only comes after all of the work is finished. This task will never be effortless, but there are ways that it can be more manageable and even enjoyable!
Create a realistic schedule and focus on one task at a time. Please keep in mind that one weekend for this huge clean simply will not suffice. You will need several more days, along with the help of family members to complete this huge task.
The tips below will outline basic techniques that will help you clean almost every surface or object, in any room, leaving your home refreshed from top to bottom!
Restock cleaning supplies
Wipe walls and ceilings
Reseal grout lines
Vacuum and shampoo rugs
Dust books and shelves
Clean upholstered furniture
Polish metal door and window hardware
Dust your home thoroughly
Wax wooden furniture
Ensure fire safety
Wash window screens
Clean window treatments
Wax non-wood floors
For more information on the tips above please click the link below